Java as a web development platform

Java web development platform is among the most required web development services

Java is the name for both the programming language that can be used for developing complex web applications and for the software platform that used this programming language as its most important component. It shouldn’t be confused with JavaScript.

It is widely used by Java development companies in the UK to create secure, robust and scalable web applications.

Java is an object-oriented language with a thoroughly worked through object model. It can be used to develop both standalone and web applications and suits both purposes equally well. Its syntax is based on C and C++, but the language itself is different and focuses more on high-level programming, so its low-level facilities have been reduced, compared to C.

Since Java applications are compiled to bytecode, which can be run on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), they are highly portable: the operation system of a particular computer doesn’t matter, as long as there is a Java Virtual Machine installed. Also, most modern browsers support Java applets, which can be run within web pages. All these factors have contributed to Java’s popularity as a programming language.

The developers of the Java language have put a lot of effort into ensuring high performance. Usually interpreted languages are rather slow and can’t compete with compiled code, but Java Virtual Machine has been highly optimised for high performance, and now Java applications can compete with compiled C applications.

Another advantage of Java that needs to be mentioned is automatic memory management. As soon as the object is no longer in use, the memory is automatically recovered – Java runtime takes responsibility for it. C and C++ programmers who know how hard it is to write object-oriented code that doesn’t leak memory will appreciate this benefit of working with the Java language.

Still, if Java is used as a programming language for a web application, it puts a considerable strain on hosting. More powerful web servers are required, compared to a standard PHP/MySQL hosting plan. Consequently, Java hosting is far more expensive. A recent cheaper alternative for hosting Java applications is Google App Engine for Java (GAE/J). Within certain limits, sufficient to run a decent Java-based website, this hosting it free of charge.

The usual tendency is to choose Java over PHP or ASP for big enterprise level projects. In this case the cost of hosting is irrelevant, but maintenance of large amounts of code becomes a challenge. Java’s object-oriented features and strict handling of variable types makes code written in this language far easier to maintain and modify.

Speaking about Java as a web programming tool we have to mention Java applets. They can be run in web browsers, to which they are delivered in the form of Java bytecode. They are widely used to provide interactive functionality to web applications including web games and provide an alternative to Flash. Apart from that, Java applets can be used to provide command-line interfaces to remote systems.

If you are considering using Java as a tool for your web project, make sure you employ an experienced team of specialists who will be able to develop a professional, high-quality application and also provide all information you need about Java hosting, the package required by an application such as yours, the available options with their benefits and drawbacks and the overall involved costs.

Larry Wall, founder of Perl programming language comments about Java:

Java is a wrong choice for a lot of applications – true of false? (from OrellyMedia interviews with Aron Bedra)

OSCON Java 2011: Josh Bloch, “Java: The Good, Bad, and Ugly Parts”