Free Windows Software & Scripts


TableClassCreate programme allows the automatic creation of a PHP class that provides all necessary functionality for standard database operations. Since any typical PHP web application needs to execute those operations over and over again, such class included into the project, will simplify the development process and improve the programme structure according to OOP standards and concepts.

Site Downloader

Site Downloader offered by Magic Web Solutions is one of the  simplest and most sophisticated in the category. It copies subdirectory structure and downloads all necessary files unless you set up filters that will filter out certain types of files. User agent impersonating a browser can be selected from a drop-down list. You can modify links queue, skipping the least significant and moving forward most important ones.

Posted Request

Posted Request is a utility class that handles requests like multipart/form-data that support file uploads. It is a wrapper over the standard HttpServletRequest, and, while partly emulating its interface, it completes HttpServletRequest with possibility of receiving a file that has been sent to the server, as byte array. This byte array can be saved then, either in the database, or as a file.


JSMenu is a simple Javascript menu that can be used on any site. We include a detailed documentation that explains how to use the script, and an example. Even if you’ve just started using HTML and Javascript it will be easy for you to employ our script. It is highly customisable, and it will help your site to acquire more professional look.

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